Green Screening Options » Evergreen Instant Hedge Bag » Instant Hedge Lonicera nitida in Hedge Bag (100 cm long x 40 - 60 cm high x 35 cm deep)
£208.00 ex VAT
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Instant hedging - Lonicera nitida in a hedge bag.
This evergreen variety has small leaves that will produce a dense foliage and is perfect for providing instant natural privacy screening. It is capable of being kept around 60 cm tall to make a low parterre style instant hedge, however, it can be grown up to around 150 cm tall but at this height it needs to be cut with a taper to allow light into the base to stop them going bare.
The Shrubby Honeysuckle is a good alternative to the Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) thanks to its small leaves and dense foliage. If pruned regularly it can make a very sharp edged formal hedge. The Shrubby Honeysuckle is suitable for growing in most soil types and can also tolerate light shade.
Unlike the climbing Honeysuckles, the Shrubby Honeysuckles do not have large highly scented flowers. If left untrimmed it has non-descript flowers that are followed by black berries.
Its small flowers, will provide a wealth of nectar and pollen for a wide range of bees and other pollinators. It will also produce a dense foliage which will provide a welcoming home for nesting birds.
In this way, a shrubby honeysuckle hedge, with all its wildlife-boosting elements, can contribute to increasing biodiversity in your outdoor space.
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