Green Screening Options » Deciduous Hedges in troughs » Instant Hedge Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) in Trough
£65.00 Ex VAT
25+ in stock
Carpinus betulus is a sturdy deciduous hedge which has green leaves that look similar to those of Green Beech (Fagus sylvatica) but that are a bit more serrated on the edge and a duller green.
Similar to Beech, Carpinus betulus can hold onto its leaves throughout the winter and into the spring giving a better screening effect. However, leaf retention is dependant on the amount of exposure, for example, some leaves may be lost in high winds.
The leaves turn a lovely yellow in the Autumn. Carpinus betulus trough hedging is tolerant of a wide range of soil types and growing conditions making them a true general-purpose hedge that reliably performs year after year.
Being a British native the Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) will make a great wildlife hedge, offering both shelter and food, it is also a good privacy hedge as well as providing a decent amount of soundproofing.
Frequent pruning will result in a very smooth finish which will give a formal to any outdoor space, whilst also acting as a great back drop to any flowering plants that are postitioned in frout of it. Due to it versatility, it is planted by a lot of nurseries for shelter across thier sites. The Royal Horticultural Society gave Hornbeam an Award of Garden Merit in 1984.
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