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Terracotta Egg Pot (60cmD x 54cmH)

Garden Products » » Terracotta Egg Pot (60cmD x 54cmH)


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64cmD x 56cmH

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Frost-Resistant Terracotta Egg Pot  64cm D x 56cm H  &  54cm Dx 45cm H

(As they are hand made, they may vary slightly in diameter)


Terracotta pots are porous, allowing air and moisture to penetrate, allowing the plant to produce healthier,well-aerated root systems.  However this means that a small amount of water is also absorbed into the terracotta during wet conditions.

Frost proof implies that no matter the degree of frost it will not be damaged.  However our Terracini terracotta range are highly Frost reisistant

This very same quality of porosity, which is so beneficial during the summer months, can leave pots susceptible to frost in winter months.  Hence no genuine Terracotta pots are not 100% frost proof. Nevertheless, as terracotta planters, our Terracini range, which are hand-crafted in terracotta before being fired in high-powered gas kilns provides excellent frost resistance. In our own UK based Mediterranean garden design work, none of the terracotta Terracini planters have suffered frost damage over the past ten years, since we have been supplying them.


Terracotta pots also protect plant roots from rapid changes in temperature, which plants can suffer from using pots made from other materials.  A further benefit of Terracotta pots is that their added weight benefits taller specimens with a reduced risk of blowing over.


The exceptionally high temperatures they are exposed to achieves both consistent colouration and outstanding durability. 


Available in two sizes:

64cm D x 56cm H  &  52cm Dx 45cm H


Terracotta pot


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